Alain Briot
Personal Vision Mastery Workshop on DVD
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A new Mastery Workshop on DVD,The Vision Mastery Workshop on DVD, is available. This is the 7th Mastery Workshop on DVD (you can see the entire collection here). It is also the logical continuation of the Personal Style Mastery Workshop on DVD.
About Vision
Vision is the seed of personal style. Vision is an idea, and this idea comes to life and is made visible through your personal style. In other words,your vision gives birth to your style. Style is based on techniques while vision is based on ideas. One can have a personal style without a vision, but one cannot have a vision without a style. This means that while few people have a personal style, even fewer have a personal vision.
Vision has been the main focus of my research for the past 2 years, and my writing for the past six months to a year. So much so that I consider 2014 to be the year of vision. The outcome of this research is the Personal Vision Mastery Workshop on DVD.
Your Body of Work
Since I started working on this project my work has focused on one of the main contents of the Personal Vision Mastery DVD: the section dedicated to the creation of your Body of Work. The research I conducted for this section has led me to a full-fledged investigation of my own body of work. This led to 'digging out' all the work I created from the time I was about 5 years old until today. While I am fortunate to have much of my work still in my possession, the quantity was overwhelming. The process I followed entailed finding, organizing, filing and finally photographing my entire body of work, a collection that features thousands of pieces.
At this point this process is now completed and the entire collection has been photographed. The photographs have been processed, converted, optimized and organized in categories (44 separate categories in all). The categories were organized in chronological order and separated by medium and subject matter.
The next step is to create digital presentations of these categories and finally create a comprehensive tutorial on how to assemble your body of work. This is the step I am currently working on.
Note that the Body of Work Section is only one of the seventeen separate sections featured on the Vision Mastery Workshop on DVD. Here is the entire list of the sections featured on the upcoming Vision Mastery Workshop on DVD:
1 - Introduction
2 - What vision really is
3 - What is my Vision
4 - How to find your Vision
5 - How to develop your vision
6 - How to express your vision in your work
7 - Examples of Vision #1 to 11
8 - Examples of Vision #12 to 21
9 - Examples of vision #22 to 33
10 - Learning visionary techniques
11 - Acquiring visual consistency
12 - How to assemble your body of work
13 - Body of work examples
14 - Preserving your legacy
15 - Vision & success
16 - Conclusion
17 - Reference files
Now Available
This essay was written prior to the Personal Vision Mastery Workshop on DVD being published. This tutorial is now available. You can download the updated table of contents and the detailed description at this link.
Thank you.
Alain Briot

Copyright © Alain Briot 2014
All rights reserved worldwide